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Strategic Reinvention for Entrepreneurs and Company Managers

Everyone  the most influential and powerful men and women in the world have a Coach or Mentor. They all have someone to use as a think tank, to help them overcome obstacles, to guide them in setting and achieving goals, and to ensure that their highest priorities get the attention they need. Lytho Alcívar is the MENTOR you need to generate that strategic reinvention.

Professional roles involve patronage, coaching, apprenticeship, protection, advice, exposure, and challenge; These are activities closely related to high performance and challenges in improving the organizational culture.


Coaching is turning the unconscious into the conscious in order to achieve change and achieve goals. It consists of developing the emotional intelligence necessary to make the subjects that are important and crucial for the participant aware.


In business, coaching is a type of leadership that focuses on the whole person, not just the "title or position."

Coaching is a confidential alliance between the participant and the coach in which both are active and are on equal terms with the sole purpose of achieving the expected results. Therefore, the work agenda is designed for each occasion and is unique for each participant.

The process is very varied and extensive. It can cover a breadth of topics, such as dealing with obstacles that are impeding growth, personal communication and its impact, as well as building vision or achieving goals that seem difficult.

In short, MENTORING is about matching your potential with your performance.


Two Levels of Support in  mentoring


Private and confidential one-on-one mentoring

Working with you individually, my main goal is to help you achieve your purpose, vision, and goals by working with methods specific to your needs.


Together we will create a powerful plan for you to gain clarity through a weekly/bi-weekly/monthly process that includes interaction and accountability.

  • What are you doing to invest in yourself?

  • What are you doing to invest in others?


Academic Mentoring is a training provided by a Coach or Tutor, which will help them develop self-knowledge and awareness, resulting in responsible people capable of achieving their goals. Public speaking is the basis for the development of the human being. Skills are developed through the study of this subject.


It also helps to discover our potentialities, abilities, skills, and mechanisms to ensure that our academic objectives are reflected and can be met, it focuses on the appropriate style to enhance leadership in the classroom, focusing on subjects of each specialty.


Ministerial Mentoring (MM) is a process between a coach and/or several people, willing to work together in churches/ministries/groups, etc, but with marked and specific functions; within the ecclesial field.

It also works empowering people in development processes, helping them achieve comprehensive professional improvement.  equipping them with tools to exploit their capabilities.


It also teaches you to recognize the importance of being aware to face your limitations, it trains you through communication techniques and strategies and the art of asking powerful questions.

- Prepares you to assist, accompany, support and facilitate people and ministerial teams.

- The ministerial coaching process is established based on trust, and based on truth.

- Helps you generate greater communication and recognition of corporality management to improve management, performance and achieve higher performance to achieve high-impact results.

- Increase within you, commitment and responsibility, with the coach, the process and the team.


Made in your facilities  or webinars  

When I work with groups, the thought contributions of all the members of the group are capitalized, generating interesting debates that contribute to finding solutions that surpass and go beyond what a single person can create.


The bond that is generated motivates each person to develop their inner leader and allows them to shine in a safe environment that enriches the entire group.


It is an experience unlike any other.


! Please contact me, and together we will put together the most effective plan to move you forward.


This model is based on seven steps aimed at creating diverse perspectives that allow participants to constantly change observers in the adolescent, youth and young adult stages; in this way they can create their own world from the freedom of choice between the different paths that they can now visualize, always with a view to developing great human beings and entrepreneurs with ontological and systemic distinctions.

Adolescents and young people open their doors to a job market that is becoming increasingly competitive and demanding, as they receive training focused on increasing efficiency at work – both personally and as a team – and on improving the quality of life as human beings  from a training in the three domains of ontological Coaching: corporality, emotionality and language.


"Humorweaning" - anglicism that comes from the noun humor and the English verb to wean, "to wean", is a methodology created in 2008 by the humorist, coach and social scientist Freddy Salas, based on the nexus of tools taken from humor , playful and coaching.

  • COACHING: Works on real situations, problems or circumstances of work teams, strictly maintaining the only three things a coach can do (Observe – Listen – Ask)

  • THE LUDICAL: Works on “artificial” situations, problems or circumstances of work teams, strictly maintaining the only three things a coach can do (Observe – Listen – Ask)

  • THE HUMOR:  Work on humorous situations, problems or circumstances generated by the work team; In this case, our clients are taught tools to motivate the team to find their own answers.

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