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Specialized Consulting

Consulting is a specialized and independent advisory service used by companies in different industries in order to find solutions to one or more of their business problems or business needs, which is based on innovation, experience, knowledge, the skills of professionals, methods and tools.

Changes in the environment, in economies, governments, competition, technologies and others are a constant, just as it is in business. These changes also create new opportunities, but they also carry risks that are difficult to predict. Companies and their managers must be prepared for these changes and adopt measures that allow them to anticipate and take advantage of the opportunities.


Through our Consulting Services we help our clients achieve their goals,  understanding their needs and providing practical and effective solutions, working collaboratively.


We offer you effective answers to complex business problems, innovative and successful approaches in the different consultative interactions  through training and action in projects with clients and internal initiatives. 

Lines of Action in consulting

data protection

Protection of Personal Data and Privacy

The protection of personal data and privacy is currently a legal obligation, it goes hand in hand with the technological vision and  cultural.

We are pioneers and have the best experience implementing privacy policies for all types of companies in Ecuador in the service and product sectors.

If you want to know our services contact us.

Franchise Models

We offer a personalized service tailored to your needs. Our goal is to help you in the process of selecting your franchise business, we support and guide you throughout the process and negotiations.


Likewise, we have immediate access to a wide range of permanently updated information. In addition, we are in continuous contact with most chains and franchise networks.

Our advisory services are aimed at all those entrepreneurs who wish to invest in the franchise sector.


This is a personalized service that takes into account the sectoral preferences of the potential franchisee, their experience, their profile and their level of investment, among other factors.

Customer Experience CX

Made in your facilities  or webinars  

Its objective is to implement the methodologies required when generating interaction with the client, helping them to have the conceptual and practical tools to successfully develop innovation processes, focusing on the use of methodological tools and techniques, practicing “empathy” techniques. to put themselves in the shoes of potential clients and detect unsatisfied needs, developing their creativity, applying it to the solution of real business problems and reflecting on their own profile as potential innovation professionals, in particular their own attitude towards risk, error and uncertainty.

Forbes magazine considers, in one of its articles on the situation of the labor market, that we are not in an employment crisis but in a skills crisis. The World Economic Forum conducted a study in which it determined that by 2020 among the 10 most demanded skills are creativity, the ability to solve complex problems and critical thinking.

In this context, the methodologies to promote innovation and Customer Experience have become enormously relevant. These methodologies are increasingly a common practice in the ways of working of companies, even the most traditional ones, in their digital transformation process in which they try to be more agile and better respond to market demands by adopting the ways of working of the startups.

! Please contact me, and together we will put together the most effective plan to move you forward.

Professionalization of the Company

Within this model, comprehensive counseling generates timely implementation from the corporate and legal spheres, at the same time it structures and complements the necessary mechanisms for the development of soft skills and competencies in your company or SME.

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